Our Story

Our Story

On your  Special Date Night with your loved one, Let our World class Chef guide you into a culinary journey Via a Live Zoom that will bring you close to each other 


One of the most beautiful experiences in my life came from the day I proposed to my wife . Throughout our years of dating, My Wife would fondly tease me about how I wasn’t romantic enough. I knew in my heart that this woman deserves the best so I did not want to propose to her in an everyday way. I wanted the proposal to come across as a complete surprise for her; so I booked a cooking experience for us with a professional chef..

On that day, I could not believe how beautiful (and fun) it was to cook with someone I love in the presence of a professional chef. I think the magical combination of my grand romantic gesture and the skills of our chef saved the day - she said yes :)

Fast forward 5 years, I was daydreaming about another grand romantic gesture for our 5th year wedding anniversary…..My wife and I in a warm cozy Italian rustic getaway in another cooking experience with an Italian professional chef in Italy! Like so many of us, my dreams to travel to experience the world were deferred in 2020. So, I took to google in search of a virtual cooking experience with an Italian chef. That’s how this business Olifoodie was born.

We all faced a rather interesting 2020, and I am all about embracing and seeing the opportunity from the growth moments we faced in 2020.

What if we could bring this world-chef experience into the heart of our home? Our kitchen?

With a few clicks anyone can arrange a cooking experience with chefs that we thoughtfully hand-picked. Here at Olifoodie, we’ve selected top chefs who have the passion and finesse in their specialised category.

We welcome you to our community. Enjoy the wonderful cooking experience with your friends and loved ones...